About BIZculture

About BIZculture offers a concise outline of our objectives. BIZculture helps aspiring entrepreneurs and established business owners explore viable opportunities to grow their enterprises and offers ideas and guidelines to become financially independent. BIZculture works with large companies, non-profit organizations, non-governmental organizations, education bodies, small businesses, online companies and webmasters, as well as individuals from every walk of life committed to growing a business. We provide the mechanics to start, develop, revive, or re-direct a business in South Africa. The intention of our BIZculture categories – covering most major industries in the country – is to inspire self-employment (particularly among our youth) and to encourage entrepreneurs in general to generate ideas to further develop their current business venture or launch a new start-up enterprise. BIZculture also offers our clients guidelines on how to adopt a policy of social responsibility to boost social upliftment in impoverished communities.
It’s Time to Take Action!
Follow our blog on diverse business-related topics:
- Exceptional Entrepreneur
- Food truck business
- Empowerment of Women
- Interview tips
- How to start an NGO
- Glove puppets play
- Employment opportunities
- Eco-friendly seed paper
- How to achieve prosperity
- Downside your company wisely
- Tripwire marketing
- Successful coaching in the workplace
- Sales tactics to boost your bottom line
BIZculture business categories highlight key economic sectors. The intention of our BIZculture categories is to encourage self-employment [particularly among our youth]. BIZculture offers guidelines on how to generate new ideas to further develop their current business venture or launch a new start-up enterprise, as well as adopt a policy of social responsibility to boost social upliftment within impoverished communities.
- Low-cost business ideas
- Ideas to promote your business
- Business ideas
- Unique Promotional Product
- Glove puppets
- Starting a business
Our services include:
– Expansion for a Thriving Business
– Micro/Small Business
– Rejuvenation for a Mature Business
– Turnaround for a Troubled Business
Social Responsibility
South Africa’s social upliftment drive depends on the collaborative effort of government, business community, learning institutions and our workforce. Everyone knows that having a population that is knowledgeable is better than a poorly educated population that is stuck in not only an unemployed but unemployable mindset, so naturally we advocate cultivating a business culture to improve awareness and productivity; and an understanding of free enterprise, competitive advantage and product originality. Societies, in which individuals accept responsibility for generating an independent source of revenue through self-employment, rapidly grow more successful than those in which citizens are wholly dependent on welfare or finding a job within a depressed economy grappling with high unemployment. The human capital upliftment drive is improved by up-skilling people through
- self-employment opportunities and skills
- on-the-job training
- self-study (even if it is only to learn the basic theory and terminology)
- apprenticeships
- internships
- mentorships
- youth development
- volunteer work (to gain insight and practical experience)
- ad-hoc employment (to build a work experience history)
- freelance employment
- distribution of information and ideas
- workshops
- project-based learning
- group training (to promote skills distribution to initiate potential business partnerships)
Visit our E-Book Library to learn more about these important areas of human capital development.
Contact Theresa (ecottage@gmail.com) for more information.