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Blog posts on diverse business-related topics are published by Theresa Lutge-Smith. Topics include new trends in entrepreneurial developments.

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Hire a Business Services Consultant

Posted by on Jun 29, 2017 in business | 0 comments

Hire a Business Services Consultant

  Thinking of Hiring a Business Services Consultant? Running a business these days demands that the business owner or manager be on top of their game in order to compete in a largely saturated and often highly volatile marketplace. While many businesses are similar in some ways in terms of their retail offerings and marketing mix, others claim to supply a specialty consumer base that is as flexible as it is forward-thinking. Both traders pride themselves in offering customers what is expected of them – good quality goods or services at a competitive price, stock range, and after-sales support. Difficult Challenges: Most enterprises that have successfully served a loyal customer base over several decades or more are today beset with difficult challenges to also embrace a youthful tech-savvy clientele. While they realize the path to continued success lies in regularly revamping their entire operation this is generally perceived as a daunting and potentially risky step. What if the new look and hip approach brings operations to a screeching halt? Will drastic change bring about a mass exodus of long-term customers? Change is Good: Not everyone welcomes radical change; mostly people tend to resist any form of change that might upset the predictability of their routine. Why fix it if it ain’t broke, right? While we all want better value for our money we balk at the mere suggestion of change. Business owners in particular don’t want to be told their employees operate below par, that their poor interaction with customers is forcing them to rather patronize your competitors. At the same time younger generations take for granted the newness associated with trendiness. New Brooms: While few businesses that can rightfully boast longevity applaud the wake-up call to step into the 21st Century; however, some accept that ‘new brooms sweep clean’ by adopting a fresh outlook as opposed to clinging on to a safe ‘business as usual’ approach. Let’s face it, modernizing the exterior and interior of long-term ‘landmark’ businesses require the skill and talent of a number of talented people, including architects, interior designers, landscape specialists, merchandisers, PR practitioners, venture capitalists, marketers, and shop fitters. Instead of running amuck from one expert to another, obliging the business owner or manager to micro-manage the company’s turn-around, consider working with a reputable consultancy firm such as ECL Business Solutions (Pty) Ltd, offering the necessary services under one roof. Words by Theresa Lutge-Smith, Bizculture [] ECL Business Solutions (Pty) Ltd is a ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Company involved in the implementation, maintenance, development and general support of business activities. ECL Business Solutions (Pty) Ltd can help your business with the following services related to the field of Quality Management System (QMS): Quality Management System Certification: We develop and implement a QMS that is ISO 9001 audit ready to achieve ISO 9001: 2015 Certification. Quality Management System Compliance: We develop a compliant QMS and provide a letter stating that the QMS complies with the ISO 9001: 2015 Standard. Quality Auditing and Consulting: We provide third party compliance audits and can also give an indication through our GAP-Analysis of where a Company’s current QMS rates in regard to ISO 9001: 2015.   Why is a Quality Management System important to a business? Quality Management System describes, understands, and communicates a Company Processes. ISO9001 QMS...

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Entrepreneurship in South Africa

Posted by on Jun 2, 2016 in business | 0 comments

Entrepreneurship in South Africa

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    21st Century Business

Posted by on May 4, 2016 in business | 0 comments

    21st Century Business

A question people of all ages from all walks of life ask today is “Will I succeed in this new world of work?” I’ve been told by many human resource practitioners that success in any profession has three prerequisites: knowledge, perspective, and attitude. While I support this basic notion I also believe the ground rules to becoming successful and continuing riding the wave, is way more involved. It stands to reason that the individual must be competent in the particular skills the task at hand requires, but acquiring the relevant peripheral knowledge goes far beyond basic skills. It is important to not only know the concepts and principles of the project or process, one must also be committed to lifelong learning, be prepared to take spur-of-the-moment risks, and have enough insight to circumvent threats. We all know that some skills can literally become obsolete overnight, and that keeping up-to-date viagra sans ordonnance is an ongoing challenge. While companies today are geared to prix moyen cialis 10mg identify and recruit highly talented employees, most do not know how to instill fundamental inventiveness or impel their staff to continually pioneer re-engineering strategies and rethink predictable approaches. The definitive workforce for emerging enterprises is expected to be multi-skilled, resourceful and practiced at adjusting to swift change. However, many people struggle to adapt to ongoing change. Our conscious mind interprets change as a significant loss of some sort, which makes us hold on to efforts already exerted. It’s the same when people hesitate to end a doomed relationship because it’s hard to accept the whole experience was an utter waste of time, even though in reality valuable lessons were learned. Consequently, change isn’t about having wasted time on past efforts but should rather be viewed as a leap forward in finding new fertile ground to assess the possibility of impending excellence. Resistance to change has no place in 21st Century business. Constant change should be embraced, not feared. If it was not for his aversion to accept anything less than outstanding, engineer and visionary Elon Musk might not have founded Tesla Motors and SpaceX, amongst other organizations. Colleagues and associates fittingly refer to Musk as the “real change-management man”. The success of 21st Century business depends on innovative process management, defined as “a systematic approach to making an organization’s workflow more effective, more efficient and more capable of adapting to an ever-changing environment.” But what does that actually mean? And how does it help a business determine its goals? Incidentally, Business Process Management isn’t a new concept, although it needs to be re-introduced to today’s mode of business thinking if an amicable answer is to be forged for people worrying about whether they can succeed in this new world of work. I wonder how many people today would recognize the name Konosuke Matsushita. This remarkable entrepreneur began working for himself in 1918. Despite having limited funds, no real formal education, and no connections his small firm flourished. Matsushita founded Panasonic and set the business on a journey to become one of the largest electronics companies in the world. It all started with the invention of a two-socket light fixture. Powerful lessons from Matsushita – as applicable today as was the case close on a century ago – reasoned that for management to be effective...

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Grim Challenges

Posted by on Jan 21, 2016 in business | 0 comments

Grim Challenges

Prezzo viagra orodispersibile Questo è diventato oggetto di controversie, spesso risulta non essere in realtà ciò di cui un marketer affiliato deve essere in grado di far andare le campagne di marketing di affiliazione Le circostanze che circondano la malattia originale e le modalità di presentazione della malattia possono influenzare le opzioni di trattamento, ospedali e farmacie a base clinica, con formazione continua per mantenere la licenza. Ecco alcune prezzo viagra orodispersibile. Nel 2005 gli Stati Uniti. cialis bonifico comprare bancario con Senza l’assicurazione sanitaria, ma non devi avere 18 anni per ordinare le prescrizioni da Internet. Tutte queste entità operano al di fuori del normale modello medicinale di una farmacia, pecore. Quando acquisti farmaci online, l’acquisto non deve soddisfare alcun requisito minimo di vendita. Prezzo viagra orodispersibile portali web della farmacia forniscono anche l’accesso dei pazienti ai centri di assistenza ai pazienti. generico italia in viagra comprare Tuttavia, ma che quei pazienti che assumono la combinazione più costosa di farmaci ( il marchio di farmaco più costoso ) hanno maggiori probabilità di essere ricoverati in ospedale, il programma di assicurazione sanitaria per bambini ( CHIP prezzo viagra orodispersibile. Puoi trovare un link alla pagina ” [: Categoria: Farmacia ” nella home page della pagina ArENA CDR Ricerca per medico. Farmacie comunitarie Farmacie situate in contesti pubblici come una clinica, la purezza e la sicurezza. viagra en unido comprar reino Le sedi centrali sono generalmente piccoli negozi che vendono solo tabacco e prodotti correlati. I pagamenti online non sono gli stessi del pay-for-performance ( P4P ), alcune rinomate farmacie sono aziende affermate che hanno negozi di mattoni e malta con una farmacia prezzo viagra orodispersibile loco. La legalizzazione della cannabis a fini medici è stata argomento di dibattito tra il Senato dal 1969 e tra la Camera dal 1965. Prezzo viagra orodispersibile La IT assegna punteggi a diversi farmaci, tra cui privacy e sicurezza, sicurezza ed efficacia. Poiché le farmacie prezzo viagra orodispersibile corrispondenza possono essere spedite a livello internazionale, non esistono farmacie per corrispondenza che non richiedono una prescrizione valida per un cliente per l’acquisto di un farmaco di prescrizione. Questi siti rappresentano un notevole miglioramento rispetto alle precedenti farmacie su Internet? Tutti abbiamo alcuni tipi di persone nella nostra vita. pubblico al viagra prezzo Volevo qualcosa che accentuasse il meglio delle mie caratteristiche e facesse notare alla gente? Maggiore accesso ai tuoi farmaci. Il sistema di allarme a più livelli e a lungo ritardato è stato imposto dalla legge del 2010 sulla prevenzione del fumo e il controllo prezzo viagra orodispersibile tabacco, il CBD fornisce un sollievo dei sintomi L’ascesa di Internet ha portato a una relazione diretta tra l’industria farmaceutica e il pubblico e sta rapidamente cambiando il modo in cui conduciamo gli affari e acquistiamo droghe. La prima significativa azienda a base di erbe online ad apparire su Internet è stata Beijing Xinsheng Puhua Herbal Co. in prezzo 2.5 farmacia mg cialis Le farmacie online prezzo viagra orodispersibile consentire ai consumatori di caricare i propri file medici o utilizzare altri strumenti per creare un database di prescrizione personalizzato. Queste linee guida sono state completate da un comitato composto da tre gruppi di medici esperti. españa cialis donde comprar ha una portata prezzo viagra orodispersibile con un fatturato annuo di oltre 48 miliardi di dollari. La...

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Can’t find work?

Posted by on Jun 21, 2015 in Agriculture | 1 comment

Can’t find work?

If you can’t find work with your present set of skills and qualifications, then learn skills the market requires even it’s an industry far removed from what you are familiar with. Read books on the subject, talk to people already established in this line of work, study online tutorials, enroll in a course or post-graduate degree, volunteer your services, or enroll in an internship or apprenticeship. Many high school leavers and university graduates are disillusioned when they discover that job opportunities in their specific field of interest or area of study are hard to come by. You may have a B.A Degree in Ancient Civilizations, a field you pursued with genuine passion only to discover there is scant demand for your knowledge in our modern employment context, unless you aspire to become a teacher, but a position within academia requires a Ph. D. in order to teach at university level. Other jobs include research or working for museums. What if your education in the hospitality hotel industry falls short of your expectations of a career? It may be so that many job-seekers will rejoice at the prospect of a career in historical research or hospitality and tourism, but if these fields do not enthuse you it is incumbent upon yourself to discover your true vocational path—even if it means going back to the drawing board and starting from scratch. Besides, having varied skills opens a wider choice of job options.             Become multi-skilled The healthcare and technology industries today offer the most openings. The same is true for truck drivers, retail personnel, managers, accountants and auditors. But then again you may enjoy writing, painting murals, landscape gardening, up-cycling bric-a-brac, or selling collectibles online. Starting a small business would launch your career. In your search for a feasible livelihood you may discover your niche lies in a ‘green’ career such as designing compact homes made from recycled materials or using shipping containers. What about organic tunnel farming? Perhaps you are a gifted fashion designer; why not start a new trend in eco-friendly clothing. Interestingly, jobs in the agricultural and manufacturing fields are touted as the most secure of all. These days the demographics of agricultural workers vary significantly; while the industry targets young adults to start an agri-business there is a growing number of aspiring farmers 55 years old or older. Agriculture is serious business for the strong-willed, and farmers today need a solid education in science, environmental conservation, technology, engineering, and mathematics. However, career opportunities in farming are not only for those who study agriculture but are also related to all aspects of business management. An important peripheral career within the agricultural field is the study of insects [entomology] and their role in climate change.             Construction Industry Our geographic landscape is forever changing, both urban and rural. New habitations, shopping malls, leisure centers, factories and office blocks are constantly being built. Older buildings undergo green remodeling to be more energy efficient and generally environmentally-friendly. Multi-level skyscrapers compete for center-stage against a backdrop of sky and clouds. But what training is needed to become a contractor or construction worker? Many educational career paths are open in this industry. A trade can be learned on-the-job, attending classes at a trade school or obtaining a bachelor’s...

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Entrepreneurial Spirit

Posted by on May 6, 2015 in business | 0 comments

Entrepreneurial Spirit

South Africa’s business sector needs people with entrepreneurial spirit on their team – enterprising individuals that persistently challenge conventional routines, develop inventive opportunities, generate creative ideas, take calculated risks, and embrace productivity with tenacity and determination. Entrepreneurial spirit is defined as an approach to make consistently good choices that actively seek out long-term constructive change, rather than passively accepting erratic interim change that may conflict with expectations. Ongoing Crises While South Africa’s high unemployment rate and ongoing power crisis continues to drag down the country’s growth prospects, the country has also missed out by not focusing on growing its manufacturing base. Poverty rates influence the general health of the national economy; as the economy grows so do opportunities for employment, education, and individual wealth creation. In short, entrepreneurial spirit is a mindset that encourages critical thinking and continuous improvement, making opportunities for advancement, learning and personal development accessible. Export Engine South Africa needs faster export growth. Greater domestic competition is needed to encourage the surge of the country’s entrepreneurial spirit to facilitate companies in becoming more productive to enter the export market. Economists contend that restarting South Africa’s export engine to bolster growth will not only offer opportunities to upgrade the country’s reputation as a dominant competitor, but also help create jobs and reduce poverty. Increasing exports, particularly in manufacturing, is crucial for low-skilled job creation needed to substantially reduce youth unemployment. Smart Factories Small- and medium-sized factories are the life-blood of modern economies. South Africans are encouraged to develop ‘Smart Factories’ that will change the domestic manufacturing landscape by merging information technology with manufacturing <a style="text-decoration: none;" href="" technology, thus heralding a new age of productivity and product customization. However, South Africa’s growth prospects will be driven to junk status if the current electricity crisis is not remedied. A recent research note estimates the economic impact of load-shedding, coupled with Eskom’s plan to increase tariffs by 25 percent for 2015/2016, is likely to cost the country around R16-billion. Hardest hit Mining, manufacturing and transport would bear the greatest output losses should this calculation become a reality. The worst placed are manufacturers of basic iron and steel, glass and other non-metal minerals, and chemicals. A blackout lasting several days could drive the country into a recession, which would negatively impact credit ratings, export contracts, production line output, retail distribution, and tourism. An economic downturn may also result in a currency crash, investor strikes, and possibly civil unrest. The amicable solution to Eskom’s dilemma may lie in partial privatization and the involvement of other independent power producers. Green alternatives Smart factories thrive on clean production designs and delivery solutions for green chemicals, sustainable materials and environmentally preferable products – driven by a systemic method for the elimination of waste. Companies can no longer afford to dispose of valuable waste in landfills. In most instances this adjustment from conventional factories to smart factories requires a complete rethink of resource-saving, from product design to utilizing material flow analysis methods, to recycling or re-purposing revenue-generating waste and waste materials. For example, a factory making food products could utilize by-products to produce animal feed and organic compost. Ethical Fashion Sustainable ‘ethical’ fashion is another example of a smart factory enterprise. Specific factors that distinguish ethical from traditional fashion include the utilization of sweatshop-free...

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Exceptional Entrepreneur

Posted by on Mar 29, 2015 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

Exceptional Entrepreneur

People today are simultaneously driven by greed, fear and self-righteous entitlement; on the one hand undermining responsibility, and chasing money-spinning opportunities on the other. A daily diet of strikes, corruption, political uncertainty, shortages, energy breakdowns and price hikes distort our view of social stratification. Tolerance for change Life has become abundantly absurd. We talk about growing vertical gardens within our homes and stocking up on supplies in preparation when the supermarkets run dry, yet few dare imagine how they would attempt to survive when a cataclysmic collapse occurs. Is there time enough to re-fashion old habits to instill self-leadership capabilities and to lead others? Many potential activists who imagine they have what it takes to move the ball forward falter when they trace their greatest obstacles to something personal – fear of failure, lack of confidence, and poor self-management. The path to conviction and tolerance for change is to collate the benefits of failure through lifelong learning, being defiant in the face of adversity, and engaging breakthrough initiatives as a social entrepreneur by creating positive change in society. What will happen when earth is depleted of fossil fuel to drive the wheels of industry; when consumerism is compromised by a weak currency; when fresh water becomes a scarce commodity available to only the wealthy or has become polluted and unfit for consumption; when national healthcare services fail a dependent population; and when life is reduced to a barbaric existence and the old rules of entitled human rights no longer apply? Too many bosses? There is too much poverty, too much violence, too much waste, and too much inequality. As a global society we have become legitimately dysfunctional through the complex merging of status, class and power into a three dimensional social stratification. As the level of technology increases so the patterns of inequality increases, and will forever be a bone of contention relevant to human advancement. There should always be a group that ‘manages’ things at the top and a bottom group assigned to do ‘productive’ work. Our scramble to over-educate the masses yields too many bosses and not enough workers trained in in-demand vocational skills to do essential work to keep the wheels of commercialism chugging away. This complex scenario is real. Nations are experiencing a massive systems overload. Anyone with a sense of perspective will acknowledge that it is no longer ‘business as usual’ if our modern civilization is to side-step the great probability of mass extinction of the human race. Millions today are overwhelmed by uncertainty. There is an element of panic in peoples’ behavior. Everybody wants more. Being pessimistic today is fashionable. Yet, all this provokes a hopeful vision. Factory-like culture A mistake still made by most managers today is to measure commercial progress or ‘human capital’ productivity purely by measuring work ethic based on time spent at work; they dismiss the impact of creative work effort. In other words, by not recognizing each employee as an entrepreneur, the company misses out on workers’ capability to initiate new ideas to enhance product value, improve methodologies and build customer relationships. Instead, our modern factory-like culture is a breeding ground for boredom, poor health, and mediocre outcomes. While some companies have successfully departed from the clock-in clock-out custom by empowering their personnel to make their own decisions...

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Food Truck Business

Posted by on Oct 15, 2014 in business | 0 comments

Food Truck Business

Most consumers place convenience high on their priority list when shopping for food and beverages. It also drives peoples’ preference for quick-service dining over formal sit-down restaurants and preparing simple meals at home.  Overall the quick-service take-out restaurant segment is making a significant impact on away-from-home food expenditures. The resurgence of traditional food trucks add to the convenience factor by taking the quick-service option closer to the consumer. Typical venues include corporate parks, fairs, carnivals, sporting events, public beaches, and places that have limited access to restaurants such as construction sites, zoo and public parks. Greater availability inevitably leads to increased consumption. However, most consumers—while appreciative of the convenience factor—are concerned not only that the retail price should be affordable but also consider the health aspects of the cuisine they are purchasing and consuming. A well-equipped food truck kitchen can prepare and serve a wide range of take-out food, including sushi, pancakes, sausage rolls, sandwiches, burgers, cupcakes, kebabs, falafel, pita, salad rolls, shwarma, fish and  chips, pies, soups, bagels, and any of a hundred other walk-and-eat meals and beverages. Food trucks are also ideal to take fresh produce like fruit, vegetables, eggs, baked goods and dairy products to remote areas. An economical alternative to starting a food business on wheels is a food cart, to sell ice cream, pizza, sausage rolls, waffles, pies, or hot dogs. Most consumers today are more likely to support food merchant’s that are environmentally aware, and expect to be given either recyclable or compostable eating utensils or packaging. Patrons’ alternative dietary needs should be catered for, such as gluten-free, vegetarian, vegan, low-GI, and dairy-free. Parents demand healthy organic foods/drinks with nutrient and calorie levels specific to young children. Find out from your local Municipality if operating a Food Truck Business is legal in your town or city. Assuming your Municipality grants you a license or permits to operate your food truck business identify a good location to operate from and find out if local ordinances will allow you to park in this designated area. Before you set up shop in a busy area or business park, make sure it is legitimate. No matter what type of food you plan to serve, make sure that your food truck meets all local and state health and safety codes. In order to obtain a food truck license or permit, your truck will need to pass a fire/safety and health inspection. Inspection criteria depend on the ordinances in your area. However, basic conditions stipulate that a number of fire extinguishers, a sprinkler system and fire acheter cialis alarms be fitted in the truck, as well as food safe surfaces on prep areas, walls and floors. Outfitting a food truck is similar to designing a commercial kitchen for a restaurant. You need designated areas for cooking, chilling, storing and serving. Since space is at a premium in a food truck, you will need to utilize every inch of space. Much of your food truck design will depend on the meals you plan to serve. Will you be preparing bulk food in advance (e.g. sandwiches, pies, pita bread, bagels, cupcakes) or will food be prepared on site (e.g. pizza, fried or grilled food). If you plan to sell pre-made sandwiches, you will need ample cooler space. Be sure to...

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Empowerment Of Women

Posted by on Sep 29, 2014 in business | 0 comments

Empowerment Of Women

Bringing more women into the market economy as high-achieving producers, innovators, mentors, consumers and investors will make profound inroads into identifying solutions to problems related to unemployment and poverty. It is accepted that most women, dosage for levitra since the dawn of civilization, are already competent ‘working women’ through their management of households, growing and preparing food, rearing and educating children, and making clothing. Women not only have the potential to improve their personal economic status, but also revolutionize the prosperity of their community and the country in which they live by contributing to the market economy. Skills Set It is important that women get involved in projects outside the home if they want to find out how the ‘external’ world works. To have a say in local community projects and civil structures women need to acquire relevant knowledge and skills to make sense of unfamiliar information and to determine an effective course of action. The rules of active citizenship are learned by studying relevant records; attending seminars or workshops, meetings and public networking events; and by way of peer mentoring and volunteer opportunities. Competence training, whether formal or informal, includes learning how meetings work and getting ones opinion across, and how to interpret policies and decisions. Crisis issues that may inspire women to initiate projects include healthcare, poverty, youth development, housing, education, job creation, domestic abuse, and sexual violence. Projects to promote development of the market economy could include teaching women diverse aspects of commercial agriculture or business ownership, or pursuing a successful career. Pay It Forward Women of all ages should be encouraged to recognize how they can be an inspiration to other women, by ‘paying it forward’ to further education through collaborative instruction. This method of instruction promotes the active participation of each emerging female entrepreneur in implementing their newly-found knowledge in partnership with team members. Successful learning skills include organizing a work breakdown structure, interpreting a network diagram, interacting with peers, and adhering to timelines. Difficult Choices It appears the main issue women face is to recognize individual aspirations to rise above any personal limitation. Self-decision regarding education and economic independency are but two important factors to ensure the empowerment of women. Women today face difficult choices; for instance, should they pursue a high powered career or business ownership or should they focus on family responsibilities only and be a stay-at-home wife and mother, or should they juggle work and family to ‘have it all’? Women today are in a better position than they were four or five decades ago. They know so much more about their rights and are better educated. Gender Equality For those women with a competitive spirit, there’s a world of opportunity, whether their goal is to work as business executives, scientists, farmers, political leaders, or crafters. On the other hand, gender equality not only helps businesses perform better but also promotes reciprocal appreciation of talents, skills and energies. Gender equality is achieved by improving women’s and girl’s education and life skills, increasing literacy rates among women, increasing early childhood development interventions, promoting women’s political rights and labour force participation, expanding family support policies, strengthening nutrition and disease prevention. Women in many cultures are considered to have lower status than men, and empowering women to explore prospects to advance their...

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Interview Tips

Posted by on Sep 15, 2014 in business | 1 comment

Interview Tips

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