Low Cost Business Ideas

Do you want to be self-employed but have limited funds?
A business owner is a special kind of person: one with drive that perseveres even when faced with adversity; someone willing to take risks, and devote more hours than most to grow a business idea into a profitable enterprise. Developing low cost business ideas should be taken just as seriously as the entrepreneur who operates a national franchise company or a multi-national brand. In choosing a low-cost business idea to launch a micro business you should know exactly what you are getting into. It is well known that the major cause of failure in business is a lack of expertise in the skills of organization, administration, management, finance and accounting, salesmanship and negotiation. As an entrepreneur you are responsible for acquiring the necessary skills and training by attending seminars, workshops and courses. Keep yourself informed of the latest developments in business by reading books and articles published in magazines and newspapers.
Low cost business ideas:
- Run an after-school care centre
- Organize and set an end-of-the-month craft market event
- Sewing (wedding gowns, maternity wear, garments in plus-sizes or petite sizes)
- Design and Create a Potager Garden for Home Owners (urban vegetable and herb garden)
- Composting (organic mix)
- Bookkeeping
- Handmade Crafts
- Design an Easy-to-Assemble Free-standing Pergola (or seated Arbor) Kit
- Build a Wood-fired outdoor Pizza Oven for home owners
- Organize the garage for home owners (basic shelving units, utility bins, peg-board, hanging rails)
Contact Theresa (ecottage@gmail.com) to prepare a basic Business Plan for your start-up business.