Information Technology

If you have a degree in information technology or you are a self-taught computer genius, you can start your own Information Technology (IT) business in Computer Repair, Website Development and Maintenance, Internet Marketing (Social Network/Search Engine Optimization Management), Website for Freelancers, Computer Tutoring, or as an IT Consultant.
- Computer Repair Business is a fast-growing industry. Companies rarely have time or knowledge to fix their computers, so they hire an IT person to repair and upgrade their equipment.
- Website Developing and Maintenance: Having a professional business website today is imperative. And once up and running the website needs to be maintained. The business owner pays an IT person a monthly retainer to maintain the site.
- Internet Marketing refers to the job of promoting a business online, usually via the company’s website. However, having a website does not mean people will easily find it: the website needs to be actively promoted to be listed on the first pages of search engines. Internet marketing is an ongoing process, and it is necessary to remind even regular customers to return to it, on a regular basis. Contact Gary ( for Social Networking Management and SEO.
- Websites for Freelancers: Connect diverse freelancers with prospective employers. Businesses hire freelancers through these websites in diverse fields, including writers, editors, graphic designers, project managers and photographers. This is an ideal business to earn passive income; each time you connect a freelance worker with an employer, you earn revenue (finding fee paid by the employer) without having to work much for years to come.
- Computer Tutoring requires a good knowledge of computer software and hardware, and a patient personality. Many people of all ages are not computer savvy and need to learn the basics of how to use computer applications and surf the Internet, while others need to advance their skills in specific software applications. Lessons usually take place at a client’s location (home or place of work) using their own computer and software. You may be required to tutor individual learners on a one-on-one basis or conduct group training sessions.
- IT Consultant: It is difficult to provide a generic job description for an IT Consultant. An IT Consultant may be involved in sales and business development, as well as technical duties. In general, the consultant works in partnership with clients, advising them how to use information technology to meet their business objectives, and identify solutions to overcome problems. Consultants also work to improve the structure and efficiency of an organization by providing strategic guidance to organizations with regard to IT technology, IT infrastructures and the enablement of major business processes through enhancements to IT. They can also be used to provide guidance during selection and procurement as well providing highly expert technical assistance, and may be responsible for user training and feedback.
Contact Theresa ( to write your Business Plan.