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Self-employment Opportunities & Skills Development

Empowerment Of Women

Empowerment Of Women

Bringing more women into the market economy as high-achieving producers, innovators, mentors, consumers and investors will make profound inroads into identifying solutions to problems related to unemployment and poverty. It is accepted that most women, dosage for levitra since the dawn of civilization, are already competent ‘working women’ through their management of households, growing and preparing food, rearing and educating children, and making clothing. Women not only have the potential to improve their personal economic status, but also revolutionize the prosperity of their community and the country in which they live by contributing to the market economy.

Skills Set

It is important that women get involved in projects outside the home if they want to find out how the ‘external’ world works. To have a say in local community projects and civil structures women need to acquire relevant knowledge and skills to make sense of unfamiliar information and to determine an effective course of action. The rules of active citizenship are learned by studying relevant records; attending seminars or workshops, meetings and public networking events; and by way of peer mentoring and volunteer opportunities.

Competence training, whether formal or informal, includes learning how meetings work and getting ones opinion across, and how to interpret policies and decisions. Crisis issues that may inspire women to initiate projects include healthcare, poverty, youth development, housing, education, job creation, domestic abuse, and sexual violence. Projects to promote development of the market economy could include teaching women diverse aspects of commercial agriculture or business ownership, or pursuing a successful career.

Pay It Forward

Women of all ages should be encouraged to recognize how they can be an inspiration to other women, by ‘paying it forward’ to further education through collaborative instruction. This method of instruction promotes the active participation of each emerging female entrepreneur in implementing their newly-found knowledge in partnership with team members. Successful learning skills include organizing a work breakdown structure, interpreting a network diagram, interacting with peers, and adhering to timelines.

Difficult Choices

It appears the main issue women face is to recognize individual aspirations to rise above any personal limitation. Self-decision regarding education and economic independency are but two important factors to ensure the empowerment of women. Women today face difficult choices; for instance, should they pursue a high powered career or business ownership or should they focus on family responsibilities only and be a stay-at-home wife and mother, or should they juggle work and family to ‘have it all’? Women today are in a better position than they were four or five decades ago. They know so much more about their rights and are better educated.

Gender Equality

For those women with a competitive spirit, there’s a world of opportunity, whether their goal is to work as business executives, scientists, farmers, political leaders, or crafters. On the other hand, gender equality not only helps businesses perform better but also promotes reciprocal appreciation of talents, skills and energies. Gender equality is achieved by improving women’s and girl’s education and life skills, increasing literacy rates among women, increasing early childhood development interventions, promoting women’s political rights and labour force participation, expanding family support policies, strengthening nutrition and disease prevention.

Women in many cultures are considered to have lower status than men, and empowering women to explore prospects to advance their talents and ideas is a way of helping them believe in themselves and to be more innovative. However, despite many nations’ social and legal constraints that still limit women’s access to educational, occupational and self-reliant economic opportunities, this trend is shifting.

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