How to Achieve Prosperity

“How can I achieve prosperity?” is a popular question asked by many people today. While for some individuals the answer lies in understanding the importance of becoming financially literate and keeping up with ever-changing economic trends through the pursuit of life-long learning, an often ignored element to achieving prosperity has to do with the fact that we don’t understand our value as people. We often come from a limited space (such as that of the victim mode) and therefore battle to achieve the kind of results we desire. It is vital that we understand the awesomeness of who we are. Most people ask “How do I know my inner self?” A good starting point is to list the things that are distinctively you — your habits, activities, aspirations, talents — anything that you sense reveals something about you. Next, write opposite each item what you think it reveals about you. Be prepared to deal with traits you would rather dismiss, in which case come up with alternative responses that you might do when the situation arises again, then actually use it when the situation does occur.
Today in our challenging economic environment, the prime focus for many is on achieving prosperity, if not surviving. Whereas for many years, our business environment has been rather buoyant and resilient, it is no longer the case. South Africa continues to face many challenges including chronic high unemployment, poverty and inequality amid a slow and volatile domestic and global economic environment. Most business experts will tell you “today’s business world is a jungle teeming with hungry, aggressive corporate lions!” Because all business owners and managers are driven by rivalry to achieve such goals as increasing profits, market share, and to be ahead of the pack, it is precisely the similarity and predictability of this competitive dynamic that eventually reduces their so-called strength to the lowest common denominator.
Businesses need to go back to basics and accept that sustainable innovations originate from people — more precisely, they need to understand that their staff can really help them to grow their competitive advantage in the most remarkable ways – when the conditions are right! The bottom line is that for organisations to thrive and steam ahead employees need to be developed so they can grow their ability to add value, operate outside of the proverbial ‘box’ and really cooperate with team members in the way they can and want to.
Typically companies regularly send their staff on team building events, yet the motivation to initiate effectual change is short-lived. Why? Staff are not sufficiently educated to take advantage of the opportunities offered. When staff are properly coached and positively influenced, their sense of self and who they are is far greater; as such their ability to cooperate and add value is greatly enhanced. Once an individual fully understands the weakness in what they are doing, they will want to do something positive to change the weakness into a strength.
Initiate prosperity – A lot more is required from us to achieve success! So what does this mean for the so-called ‘average’ person out there – if there ever was such a thing? Where do we start? What do we do?
Identify opportunity – First, recognize that there are opportunities out there and that you CAN capture them cialis generique – whatever your age or background! As was so well said by Chinese philosopher Lao-tze (604 BC – 531 BC), the journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. Then focus on developing an unstoppable belief that you have something valuable to offer society – whether you know the specifics at this stage, or not!
Unearth your passion – Next, find a way of understanding your purpose and calling (your God-given abilities) – in other words, the remarkable strengths that you possess and when combined, give you a competitive advantage of note in a specific area of work and service.
- Combine these strengths into a job/business that you can get excited about and aggressively market.
- Surround yourself with people who support you in your venture and encourage you to be the best that you can be.
- As you go through your challenges, bear in mind that the world will be better off for the wonderful service that you have to offer. As it embodies your unique abilities, you’ll be able to offer it from a place of love and passion – 2 valuable keys to success!
- Know that in our changing environment, people with a passion for their work have far greater chances of succeeding – that is, provided they don’t keep negating themselves at every turn.
- In fact through each challenge that you overcome, know and believe that you are a better and more valuable person.
- Strengthen your ability to believe in a supportive God-given environment whereby you can attract the very best to you – as you put in the efforts and come from a loving space, no matter what!
- Trust that you will manifest the highest and best opportunities – sooner rather than later.
- Be determined and keep going . . . until such time as you find someone who is prepared to pay for your services. Keep in mind that success may require tremendous effort . . . and time!
- As was so well expressed by Legson Kayira after a life-changing journey to America from his native Malawian village, a journey which he started on foot at the age of 16; be determined to be the master of your destiny. “I learned I was not, as most Africans believed, the victim of my circumstances but the master of them” (as per his book “I Will Try”)
Article by Marie Moreau, Prosperity Consultant; email Marie on to discuss purposeful techniques to help you create the life you want. Marie assists (1) individuals to identify their purpose and calling, as well as (2) organizations to grow and thrive by developing their staff to operate as Champions and unlock valuable opportunities for the business. Marie believes that South Africa can become a leading and prosperous economy as it transforms challenges into opportunities – something which will provide valuable opportunities for many people.