Graphic Design & Image Library

The artwork shown here are examples of work by Robin Dean Smith, BIZculture resident graphic design artist. Robin produces traditional fine art subjects on canvas, board or paper, and for printing. His style of art genres includes surrealism, fantasy, cartooning, portraiture and fantastic realism.
BIZculture provides a worldwide service to game developers, book publishers, authors who plan to self-publish their work, and companies that produce promotional merchandise. We produce original drawings/illustrations (academic, cartoon, freestyle), computer graphics and fine art for printing projects (books, posters), animation, Internet, and interior decor. Contact Theresa ( to discuss your requirements.
Developing a Company Identity
The company identity is the overall impression others have of an organization, what the business is called and what it stands for. In other words, the company identity is the personality of the business, the appearance of the business location, premises, decor and furnishings, office environment, the staff dress code, the general mood and attitude of the people associated with the business, even the business’ in-house and external communication methods.
Two obvious ways that an organization communicates its company identity is through a slogan that clearly exemplifies its positioning, and by developing a visual image (graphic look, logo) that articulates the feel and culture of the organization. The artwork need not be elaborate, but it must be consistent with the message that you are trying to communicate to your target audience. The objective is to develop a durable graphic presentation of the business that will work for your organization ten years hence as well as it does today. The graphic look also must be appropriate for a variety of different communication mediums and branding (advertising, stationery, packaging, signage, merchandise). A coherent vision of your product or service is presented through colour, art and graphic design. BIZculture is able to design packaging, book covers, book illustrations, printed literature (brochures, annual reports, advertorials, leaflets) branded merchandise, websites, info-graphics, vehicle signage, hoardings, brochures, catalogue’s, and stationery. Contact Theresa ( for a quotation for any of the above.