Elevator Pitch

An elevator pitch (or short summary that succinctly defines a product, service, or company’s value proposition), so named because it should last no longer than the average elevator ride (30 – 60 seconds). A winning message (about 150 – 225 words) should sum up unique aspects of your service or product in a way that captures you audiences’ attention quickly, which may include new buyers and clients.
It is important to keep the elevator pitch current; every business grows and changes, and your pitch needs to be adapted accordingly. You can have the most creative logo, an ingenious slogan, the most impressive brochures, and the most cutting-edge Web site, but if your elevator pitch is dated, you’re missing one of your most important opportunities to market your brand. Your message can be put across verbally, slide show or video formats.
You’ve got 30 seconds to introduce yourself … GO!
You may think it’s easy to introduce yourself — who you are, your skills, accomplishments, what you do for a living — and motivate why your “captive audience” might be sufficiently impressed to memorize your narration. It takes time and a lot of thought to create a succinct speech that is not only comprehensive but also comes across as natural and polite. You may need to prepare several different “pitches” relevant to a given situation or audience. A basic guideline is as follows:
1. What is your chief objective?
2. What skills and accomplishments make you distinctive in your industry.
3. What is your job title? Explain chief responsibilities that relate to your target audience.
4. What problems do you solve? Specify how these solutions would impact the organization you are targeting.
5. What call to action should your target follow?
Sample format to plan your pitch: “I am (name). I have worked as (job title) in (industry) since (year). I am thoroughly qualified in (skills) to (what problems do you solve). May I set a non-obligatory meeting with you? (address individual by their name). I have an idea to resolve (identify a long-standing problem).”